Rad Updates for Rad Boots MacGee
Rad Boots MacGee » Devlog

Hey, I hope you are safe in the world, wherever you are.
I recently made some time to work on updates for Rad Boots MacGee, focusing on addressing the issues identified in the feedback from the game jam. A new and improved build of the game is now available to download and play at your disposal.
- Rad Boots MacGee now comes with a fully functional in-game Mouse Sensitivity Settings Menu, accessed in game with the "Esc" or "P" (for pause) keys
- The game has been rebuilt as a downloadable application, replacing the browser game, which has improved collision issues, music and sound
On reflection of making the game for the game jam (GJL Game Parade Spring 2021) I took on waaaaaay to much as a solo dev but it was great to be rewarded as finalist for Best Solo Dev Game.
RBM.zip 33 MB
Apr 30, 2021
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